Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Blogging from A - Z Challenge: April 1 A

Thanks to the Apple blog for this hot image. Click on Ange to go to the site. 

A is for Apple!

The apple may appear to be a strange place to start with an A-Z of erotica for the month of April, but I chose it because I’m looking for something a little different from the norm, and also because it has become a symbol of Eros thanks to the assumptions about Eve’s seduction technique used on Adam. 

The traditional Christian story goes, the Serpent seduced Eve into taking the forbidden fruit, and then after partaking, Eve offered it to Adam, and he took if from her. This led to expulsion from the garden of Eden and sin entering the world, after all God had refused them permission to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. 

This image is taken from Jokes Feed blog. Click on the naughty apple to check out their site. 

The Apple bears the burden of representation for whatever fruit this was, but it’s only the beginning of the legend that has grown out of the biblical record. Because of the Church’s suspicion of female sexuality - and women in general - it has always been assumed Eve enticed the pious Adam with her worldly ways, moving away from her good role as wife, toward the shadow figure, of the whore. The serpent convinced her to stray, she consumed the fruit, and turned into something poor Adam could never resist. 

Apples have the added advantage of being red (unless they’re green, but when you see a sexy pair or red lips eating an apple it’s usually a red one) as well as shaped like the round behind of a female. The first bite is reminiscent of the ultimate straying from goodness. They shine, one of the few fruits that do, and they taste sweet and delicious. They have the added advantage of being good for you, but this is a small factor that usually gives way to the fruits darker mythologies. 

Image taken from Dave Copeland's blog. Click image to visit. 

Apples are what the student gives the teacher when they fall into that Freudian attraction we have for authority figures and they were what the ancient Greeks threw to women they intended to take as their lovers. 
In medieval England, the autumn celebration of the fermented apple included orgies supposedly to invite a bountiful harvest. 
When we fall for someone, they become the apple of our eye. 

That simple dark red fruit carries the weight of much of our erotic desire in history and story. 
For me, it was the perfect place to start an A-Z of erotica. 

Taken from the fantastic living in London blog. Click image to visit.


  1. Love that picture of the close up of the apple-hahahahaa. The Apple has been used as you mentioned even in great works of art...poor Adam never had a chance

    1. I loved it too Birgit - in fact, what was really amazing was just how many erotic images of apples came up when I typed "sexy apple" into google images.

  2. This is a terrific post.

    I find it both exhilarating and strange how often fruit can be used in seduction and the ways of showing sexual situations in writing- specially literary and grapes. :) I tried to follow via GFC but it won't let me so I'm signing up for your newsletter.
    Decadent Kane (blog)

    1. Thanks DK for your compliments - but even more for the heads up on GFC! It will explain a lot. I'll get into it and find out what's going on there.

  3. I'm a huge fan of Erotica! For your first choice of " A", I must say you made a wise choice.

    1. Thanks heaps Krystol - those apples LOOK innocent... but we know the truth...

  4. The sin started with an apple. So say the priests. Religion never brought us any good >:)

    Cold As Heaven

    1. Well... if sex sells, then religion did a lot for apple marketing.
      (but I totally get your point)

  5. Interesting choice for the first! Orgies for a bountiful harvest. Good for the apples.

    Happy A to Z-ing!
    My A to Z.

    1. Ha ha ha - good for the apples!
      Thanks Anna.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
